About Our Association | 关于我们的工会
Malaysia Glass Association (MGA) was founded in 1974 to protect the interest of glass merchants in the country while driving the growth of the glass trade in Malaysia. Over the years MGA has unfailingly fostered camaraderie among our members and united them under a single common purpose of driving a flourishing trade. MGA has been providing a bridge to facilitate the exchange of information on glass-related technology and business knowledge. 马来西亚玻璃公会 (MGA) 成立于 1974 年,旨在保护本国的玻璃商人利益,同时也推动马来西亚玻璃贸易的增长。多年以来,MGA 积极增进其成员间的友谊,并将他们团结在一个共同的目标下,即推动繁荣的贸易。 这些年来,MGA 一直在促进玻璃相关技术和商业知识信息交流中扮演着积极的桥梁角色。 Chairman’s Message (Mr. Joe WH Lam – Chairman – 22nd Term (2021-2024) We are also pleased to inform that our association had successfully elected the 22nd Term committee (2022 – 2025) recently. With the new committee team, we look forward to working closer with our members, industry stakeholders, government authorities and various other industry associations and foreign associations to further promote our association’s objectives for a mutually beneficial cooperation. 主席致辞 (林伟豪先生 – 主席 – 第 22 届 (2021-2024) 我们感到荣幸,因为马来西亚玻璃公会成功地举办了选举並成立了第 22 届委员会(2022 – 2025 年)。透过这新的委员团队,我们期待与我们的会员、行业利益相关者、相关的政府部门,以及其他各种行业的协会或公会並外国协会取得更紧密的合作,进一步地推动马来西亚玻璃公会所着重的互利合作目标。 Over the past 48 years, MGA has more than 500 members comprising of glass merchants ranging from glass manufacturers, glass processors, glass wholesalers, glass retailers, glass processors, glass contractors and glass importers. It relentlessly worked towards setting quality standardization in protecting the fair interest of every consumer. MGA have been involved and participated in formulating of New Code of Practice with authorities ie. Jabatan Standard Malaysia (JSM) and engaged with Customs Dept on SST implementation. MGA also liaised with various local and overseas associations in South East Asia having similar aspirations in pursuance of a sprightly climate to boost the glass industry as well as the building and construction industry. 走过48 年,至今,马来西亚玻璃公会(MGA)拥有超过 500 名会员。他们来自玻璃制造商、玻璃加工商、玻璃批发商、玻璃零售商、玻璃承包商以及玻璃进口商等有关商人。MGA积极致力于为马来西亚建立玻璃质量标准化,以保障每一位消费者的公平权益。 以此同时,MGA 也积极配合相关执法部门,参与並制定新业务守则。即Jabatan Standard Malaysia (JSM) 及海关部门合作並协助SST的推行。 MGA 还与具有相同愿景的本地,东南亚各地並海外的公会或协会保持着密切联系。这促进了马来西亚玻璃行业以及建筑业的蓬勃发展。 The emergence of COVID-19 over the last 2 years has impacted many industries, including the construction industry, which contributes significantly to Malaysia’s economic growth, with an annual total return of MYR204 billion on construction projects. As a result, construction production declined by 13.1% yearly to MYR31.4 billion in the third quarter of 2020 and forecasted to grow by 9.8% in 2021.The growth forecast between 2022 to 2025 is expected to be 6.0-6.6%. 过去的两年里, 由于遭受到冠状病毒(COVID-19)大流行的侵害,它严重影响了马来西亚的许多行业。这也包括了为积极为马来西亚的经济增长做出重大贡献,其年总回报率为 2,040 亿零吉的建筑业。这元素造成了2020年的第三季度建筑生产同比下降 了13.1% 至 314 亿零吉。 而2021 年,它增长 了9.8%。预计从 2022 年至 2025 年的生产增长为 6.0 至6.6%。 Industry research to investigate and mitigate the pandemic’s impact on the Malaysian construction industry have identified five critical areas: reduced construction productivity; reduced foreign investment in the construction industry; reduced demand for construction-related works; disruption in the supply chain; and a reduced number of public projects. 工业调查研究显示,为减低马来西亚建筑业因大流行遭受的影响确定了五个关键领域:降低建筑生产力;减少对建筑业的外国投资;减少对建筑相关工程的需求;供应链中断;减少公共项目的数量。 These impacts remain as challenges for the MGA to help its members regain their business footings in 2022 and 2023. To achieve this, the MGA plans to initiate discussions on aids programs with the relevant government agencies to help fast-track full recovery as an on-going initiative and work with policy makers and industry stakeholders on lessons learnt from the MCO restrictions to avoid recurring impacts in future pandemics. 这些影响仍然是 MGA为要协助其成员在 2022 年及 2023 年重新站稳所必须面对的挑战。为实现这一目标,MGA与相关政府机构就援助计划展开讨论,以便协助其成员迅速全面地恢复其商业活动,以此同时也与政策制定者和行业利益相关者就实行行动管制令(MCO 所吸取的教训与经验用于拟定策略来避免重蹈因未来大流行而造成的影响。 Let us all pitch in our support and reap our success。 让我们全力以赴以赢得胜利。 | |||